For now however, I'm writing about CAKE! Yes ladies, that's right! When all else fails, bake a cake!
Recently the hubby had his 20th birthday, graduated film school, and landed a sweet job! All within this past week (like I said, we've been busy), so it's time to stop and celebrate, WITH CAKE!
Luckily, there's been recent talk of donuts lately in my household, therefore this cake is based of Boston Creme Donuts, our fave!
-boxed yellow cake mix (+ingredients to make)
-boxed vanilla pudding (+ ingredients to make)
-chocolate frosting
Begin by making cake as directed on box. I used 9x9 size pan.
Once cooled poke holes throughout cake, more holes = more room for pudding! (I used a straw to poke holes)
Make pudding as directed on box, but pour on to cake before pudding settles.
Make sure to get in the holes!
Refrigerate for 2 hours so pudding sets ***Don't skip this step!!!
Once pudding is set and cake is chill, remove from baking pan to sheet
***Optional dirty frost with more pudding!
FINALLY, melt chocolate icing by microwaving at 15 sec. intervals, stirring between intervals
Then cover cake and Enjoy!!!!!